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ACT VII: Beach-Body 🏖Mindset Series - They Are Refugees Now!

So like others - I am watching the news and reading. A #fact - 4 to 5 Days Ago - they were not refugees! Today they are!

Does that thought make you wonder? It does for me. As I prepare daily for the grace that comes with the start of each new day, I’ve normalized my thoughts for greatnesses and security.

As I connect things I do see/know - with things - I have no idea are occurring, I continue to make a choice to jump start each day in a very Positive and Leisurely manner.

What if - I was forced to become a refugee? What would I do? Oddly, I know what I would look 👀 to do - which is to immediately encourage myself. There’s a song 🎵 …“sometimes you have to encourage yourself…speak 🗣victory during the test!“ This is my response to the ‘what if?’ Ideally, I would look to my learning and activate the Reservoir of lived experiences.

You see - the Beach 🏖 Body Mindset Series - is not about the absence of negativity - it’s about the presence, and it being combated by life’s Learned experiences.

Trust me! Each day is a new opportunity to learn from yesterday’s experiences - especially if you are open to the mindset shift. Are you?

The PICTURE: Portuguese man o' war. I took it recently as it is Native to South Florida. It reminded me - while it’s home but washed upon the shore - it still remains venomous outside of the ocean. A survivor in the Ocean and Out.

Beach 🏖 Body Mindset Series

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