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‘Factual Truth: A Triangle Perspective’

Let’s jump into this triangle! Three sides!

In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, truth often presents itself as a multifaceted entity, akin to the shape of a triangle. Just as a triangle comprises three distinct sides, every story, every narrative, harbors three dimensions of truth: your side, my side, and the factual truth.

Imagine a scenario, much like a car accident. When law enforcement arrives at the scene, they can swiftly confirm the physical collision of two vehicles. However, the intricacies of how and when the accident occurred are open to interpretation. Now, as you can see - we enter the realm of subjective truths, where individual perspectives color the narrative.

We lean on evidence to illuminate the path to truth. Yet, when conflicting accounts arise, perhaps the solution lies in embracing the panoramic view offered by a 360-degree camera. This metaphorical third side, the factual truth, transcends personal biases and perceptions, offering a more comprehensive understanding of reality.

Side note: I'm certain that many of us frequently encounter situations where communication seems to falter. In such moments, it's crucial to take a step back, pause, and reflect on the essence of this passage. Three sides!

In the broader spectrum of life, it becomes imperative to acknowledge the distinction between beliefs and facts. While truths may be based on personal convictions, facts stand as immutable pillars of reality. All facts are truths, yet not all truths align with factual accuracy. Got it?  I’m nearing closer on these Three Sides!

As we navigate the labyrinth of existence, let us cultivate the humility to recognize the interplay between subjective truths and objective reality. By embracing the triangular perspective, we inch closer to unraveling the layers of truth concealed within every narrative, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Just want to keep this thing called #life - SIMPLE! Remember to stay #Positive, #Plugged and #Present. #LearnedMan

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